How Do: Journaling

My journal is my ideal therapist. I always feel comfortable writing in it, it consistently keeps my thoughts tucked away so I can’t obsess and I never have to talk. About less than one year ago I started my first “official” journal. Upon opening the page I started what would be one of the most important life skills I could ever have: journaling. Now that might sound a bit cliché, but thereafter it helped with my anxiety and other crazy focal points of my life. I am not much of a talker when it comes to my ideas, emotions and other puzzle pieces in my mind. I get better, but that is because of my journal. It was a space where I could be imperfect and I loved that. But I wasn’t always like this. I’m not a writing saint, my old journals are not even close to half finished and are filled with cringe worthy articles of my silly (but valid) adolescence. Despite this, I love reading them from time to time. I get a taste of past me and that’s pretty cool. So, I am always for journaling. I actually am on my second one now and I highly recommend it. Why? There are so many reasons and I will get to that. But if you are even interested in starting one, here’s how:

1. Pick A Journal You Like

Seems like an obvious way to start right? This is the whole backbone for your writing adventures! Pick a journal that is right for you. I finally found a journal I like after years of trial and error: Moleskine.  While these are typically more expensive they are high quality and come in a variety of sizes, colors and styles. Ask yourself: are you someone that wants to write down a few notes and have a pocket sized journal or a bigger journal so you can fill it will collages, sketches and short stories. Moleskine also offers blank, graph and lined paper too. They even have sheet music notebooks! Take advantage of your options and tailor the perfect vessel for journaling. If you are someone that needs to fill a whole page but has no writing experience, maybe start with a smaller one. Or if you like the color yellow…get a yellow one! Dinosaur fan? You just bought a one way ticket to the Jurassic Era! You should be enamored with your journal, it will eventually become an important part of your life. (I realize I just ranted about Moleskine, I truly love the company. However if that is not your bread and butter there are a million different options out there.)

2. The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword

I do not like writing in pencil for my journals. This is mainly because I am left handed. I am always battling with the dreaded pencil lead smudge on my hand. I finally splurged and bought myself some nice pens in a variety of colors. They fit my mood and are fun to draw with. They also make my journal look colorful and pretty. Have fun with your tools. But if you are a pencil fan or black pen enthusiast, then by all means pursue that and while you’re at it: buy a nice set!

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3. Decorate (optional, but fun)

If you are me (which you most likely are not) you probably enjoy crafting. Now, I am not one of those people that practically lives at a crafting stores or whose heart rate goes up just seeing rows upon rows of sewing supplies or cinnamon pinecones (bleck). I love decorating my journal, I think it gives it my personal touch. And it also looks freaking great.

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My beloved crafting drawer! Eventually I will write about this delightful nook but I use a variety of stickers, labels, gems, and stamps to decorate the inside of my journal. I also use some of these tools for collages that I might make.

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This Christmas I received an instant camera. Polaroids are a fun way to decorate and get writing inspiration.

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Many, but not all of my pens that I use to write and draw with. Consider this option as well!

The results?

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4. Writing (violin screeches) 

What I want to emphasize is consistency. This does not mean daily. Daily is a word that kicks us all in the butt. But the simple act of opening your journal and even writing down once a week to start is going to bless you down the road.

I use a variety of different styles in my journal. I honestly think that’s what kept me writing. If writing about your day doesn’t float your boat, trying writing about someone that you saw on the bus or the cup of “coffee” that tasted more like sink water. My journal has been filled with lists or concept charts for school assignments, organization tactics, crappy sketches, passive agressive letters I will never send and much, much more. I said this earlier and I will say it again: your journal does not have to be perfect. No one will ever read it unless you choose to share an entry. That’s not to say that there might be a snooping sibling, parent or roommate. Sigh. But when you write, don’t do it as if you are writing a 200 page English literature thesis on one singular literary device in the Great Gatsby. No one will analyze your journals in a museum years from now. And while you might look back on it and cringe (which is something I do often with my middle school journals), it does not matter. Write whatever the hell you feel like. Or draw. Or write music. Sometimes I will even open it during school and play tic tac toe with friends, write our signatures with our non dominant hands or draw with our eyes closed. Sure there is private content, but my journal is about different facets of my life and that is something when you begin journaling you will have to decide on.

  Here are two snapshots from my old journal

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More Things To Keep In Mind

A fun way to start off your journal and get you into writing mode is to do a short introduction page of who you are and where you are at in your life. Years from now it will give you perspective on how you have changed.

Typically a journal will have an info page in the front. This is in case you misplace your journal. What I recommend for this is to provide your name and email. That way if you misplaced your journal you will be able to coordinate a place and time. Giving out your number may result in prank calls (or even scary/cryptic ones…) and addresses can be living a bit on the edge. Also offer an reward! I typically put down “Chipotle Burrito” or “Chocolate”.

Keep your journal on you or in a safe place. An extension of the note above but important.

If you are going to keep dates in your journal be consistent with it or not. I typically put the start date and the end date of the journal. Everything in between in undated? Why? I like to jump around a lot, sometimes I write more than one entry. For me the date doesn’t matter so much, the thought or experience does. But if you’re into that, keep it consistent. This may sound a bit sassy but maybe you forgot to date an entry (which I used to do), this frustrated me when I couldn’t remember.

If you are invested your journal it will become an extension of yourself. Keep in mind, journaling is not for everyone, but certainly is something to consider trying if you are interested. I find that I am a faster writer as a result and even less critical of my work. At the end of the day have fun with it, mess it up, make it pretty, and make it yours!

– Hana

One thought on “How Do: Journaling

  1. Esca Home says:

    Thanks for sharing! I never really thought to write in a journal any other way than recapping what happened that day. Hopefully it can help with some of my anxiety.


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