12496428_10204193646960444_3347051275626568436_o.jpgThis is Connor.

He spends his day to day running around the wild city of Chicago, hair pulled back into a man bun, camera at his side and ready for the next adventure. This hustle and bustle wasn’t always his main habitat however. As a Minneapolis native, he grew up with an appreciation for both the city and nature, which the the Twin Cities does a remarkable job of blending these two identities. He eventually started to capture the charming qualitiy  with his camera. When I first met Connor, his knack for art was still unknown to me. Upon my first visit of his home, I discovered a laid back nerdiness to this kid after seeing a Naruto poster, an Alphonse cosplay, and a R2D2 unit perched near his bed. But as our friend group grew, his passions seemed to awaken like a slumbering dragon (which I never knew existed in such a small man).